Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Yoga books

The distance is nothing;
it is only the first step that is difficult.

-Madame Marie Du Deffand

The last week the postman has brought me two new yoga books.
Once upon a pose; Donna Freeman (2009)
Yoga anatomy; Leslie Kaminoff (2007)

All kinds of anatomy books have been written and so many to choose among. Luckily this book matched my expectations. I am amazed by the concept. Now I can turn the pages and check nice illustrated pictures, refresh my mind about the key for every pose, lenghtening and breathing, joint actions and obstacles.


Donna Freemans book didn´t give me a great first impression. All the colours started and ended at the cover. That´s it. Even though it´s all about the contents, it seemed that the book had been written long ago...when colours didn´t exist.

Livning in Japan and struggeling with my japanese and sanskrit I got a new "language" challenge in this book. Some stories are written in french (since the author is from Canada). Luckily a picture says more than a thousand words.

Nice to get a yogic view on goals for kindergarten, grade 1-3 and grade 4-6 and how the poses can be integrated in all school subjects. Fantastic!

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