Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Release kapha

Many men go fishing all of their lives
without knowing it is not fish they are after.

-Henry David Thoreau

In ayurveda the Kapha dosha is the alliance of earth and water. Kapha is the nourishing power that arises through proper circulation of the plasma. Negative kapha, mucus, is produced in the stomach and enters into the circulatory/lymphatic-system when the plasma is not properly formed.

The calm and loyal Kapha type have a big or bulky body with a poor circulation and a thick skin. The Kapha type have a constant appetite but a low metabolism.

It is beneficial for the kapha type to move around with high dynamic to
deepen the rate of breathing and heart rate to prevent the doshic imbalance and diseases like asthma, bronchitis and sinus congestion.

Below are some poses that kaphas benefit from doing regulary:

Parivritta Trikonasana

clears your windpipe and makes breathing easier

Parsva Trikonasana

Aiding in the remedy of ailments of the lung


Opens the chest and reduces congestion in the lungs


aids in elimination and improves respiratory


  1. Tänk om jag hade kunnat gå på en av dina klasser....
    Kram Heléne

  2. Hej hej!
    Underbart att se din yoga! Just nu kommer jag inte i håg vilka doschor jag var, får titta upp det. Skulle vara väldigt intressant att veta hur just MIN yoga skulle se ut. Den där som hjälper och balanserar just mig.



  3. Varmt välkommen till Osaka på mina Ayurveda- och yogalektioner eller nästa år när vi flyttar tillbakas till skandinavien!

  4. Det skulle vara trevligt, säkert ge en massa inspiration! Jag måste bara bli lite bättre till dess.

