Kneeling Salutation

Diamond pose.

Inhale and exhale.
Connect with your heart.

Upward salute

Inhale sun energy.

Childs pose


Be safe as a child.
Leave all fear and worries behind you.

Low lunge

Inhale sun energy.

Pick one pose from this group.

Put your right foot/leg forward.

Table pose

Exhale and ground your limbs on the earth.

Cow pose

Inhale sun energy.

Cat pose

Stretch out your laziness.

Low Lunge

Inhale sun energy.

Pick one pose from this group.

Put your left leg forward.

Table pose

Exhale stability.

Downwards facing dog


Give unconditional love as a dog.

Childs pose


Rest as a peaceful child.

Upward salute

Inhale sun energy.

Diamond pose


Center your body, mind and soul.