Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Yoga in Hokkaido

Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.
Nature´s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into the trees.

-John Muir

For many days I have been given the opportunity to do my morning yoga up on the 33rd floor. Faced towards Mount Tomamu in Hokkaido gave me a spectacular view. A reminder of how we need to bring the steadyness of a mountain into our daily life. Solid as a rock, no matter of the circumstances around you.

After a day out in the slopes it was time to withdraw and meditate on the windowsill with a nice cup of japanese green tea, sencha.

I fixed my gaze on one particular spurce. It stood there all alone in the middle of one piste. Without any kind of support. So grounded, so beautiful, so well-fed, so straight... a perfect Vrksasana.

One of many similarities with downhill skiing and yoga is that no book or DVD can teach you how to master the technique. You need to practice over and over, starting from the beginner level and develop to a more advanced.
Without believing in yourself you cannot succeed.

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